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A member registered Oct 18, 2021

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clicked on a link to this game. first thing i saw was "35 days since the terrorist attack"... that was unexpected

see you are 100% right but also ur lame and gay and multiplayer fun

lol anyway i dont see how it would ruin dreams tho thats a strange point. 

like man proximity chat exists, you could add a fake player in the bed, and if the other player is dreaming too just make a separate dream world

probably shrimp packs.

i just buy shrimp packs and chicken nuggets most of the time but make sure to keep some variety in there or you will suffer the consequences

is this game like a hub for people who have never used a computer in their life why is this question so common

yea they added food tolerance. you gotta add some variety to your diet now

i cant believe kel from the hit game omori is in this game truly incredible

honestly playing this way makes the game more fun

no, i know how to adjust it

its just based on framerate, and it isnt multiplied by delta time causing issues

seems interesting but theres very little options in the settings (audio and graphics settings would of been nice) and im pretty sure the sensitivity is based on the framerate as its slowing and speeding when my fps dips


can we get a mobile release of this??

i am going to fill up this board

really fun to see how far you can optimize the builds, update the game and add more content this has so much potential its a gold mine of possible mechanics